Seth instantly fell in love with Jiu Jitsu. He wanted to go to class EVERYDAY! He was a natural. He was beating everyone in class and even at tournaments after just a couple of months of training. He wasn't winning because he had better technique or worked harder then these kids though, he was winning because of his intense level of energy and will to win.
In time how-ever, Seth's instructor started to grow tired of his energy level. He started punishing him for bouncing or laughing or not staying focused as well as some of the other kids, he even took his stripes of of his belt for not doing jumping jacks correctly. Seth was crushed, Jiu Jitsu was no longer "fun". He started to not perform as well, he started to not want to take class and at the next tournament, after being told he needed to calm down, he lost his 1st match. Seth lost his passion for Jiu Jitsu and had no desire to do this sport that he couldn't get enough of only months earlier.
We own a Jiu Jitsu school now and Seth is 12, he is not a member of our team. He "doesn't like Jiu Jitsu". This is really hard for me at times, I try not to ever push it on him but, hope with it being in his life, he will give it another shot at some point.
We have over 70 kids at our school, we have kids with mental disabilities, physical disabilities, ADHD. We have kids who have had severe trauma in their lives, has lost siblings or a parent, we have kids that are extremely shy and kids that are balls of energy.
We don't treat our kids all the same, no that doesn't mean we play favorites, it means every kid is different and has different needs. Some need a little coddling, some need a little more discipline, some need to bounce a little but, they ALL need to be free to be who they are!
Sometimes as in instructor its hard to find the patience you need to do this job but, if you love what you do, love your kids and can embrace them for who they are, you will grow happy, passionate little Jiu Jitsu people!