In partnership with Food For The Hungry, my
Church, Horizons sends a team to Bolivia each year. This year's team will
be heading to a new community of Toro Toro in June.
Andrew and I really wanted
to be able to go on this trip but, between our business and getting married this August, we just can't swing it but, we do want to help out the team that is going
by giving them a donation to help with their travel costs and needs.
We have designed a T-shirt that not only supports the Church Team but, also has great
meaning to us as competitive Jiu Jitsu practitioners, with the proceeds going to Horizons Bolivia Team.
Get yourself a cool shirt and help out a
great cause at the same time!
Get yours at http://www.justagirlbjj.com/jag-swag-store.html
Mens Shirts available at www.EminenceKimono.com