Last night Andrew got down on one knee and popped the question, this was the 1 year anniversary of the 1st time he told me he loved me! My ring came from my Grandmother, it was given to her over 40 years ago by my Grandfather and it means so much to me to wear the ring that came from two people who had a very big impact on my life. We did modern it up a little, having it dipped in white gold.
Andrew does likes to take his time in all he does, this was a little testing on my patience (since I was ready to marry him shortly after we met ;) ) But, I have to say he is very worth waiting for! I couldn't have asked for a more amazing man to "ROLL" into my life! The passion we share for Jiu JItsu gives us an even closer bond and I consider him my best friend out of the gym as-well.
I love you Babes! and can't wait to be "Mrs. Drewjitsu"