My next "vacation" starts tomorrow! This will be my 3rd trip to CA for competition, while it's nice to get out of AZ when it's 106 degrees, it never feels much like a vacation for me. For starters, Andrew and I are working 3 of the 4 days as a scorekeepers and I have my usual tournament anxiety, we spend ALL day everyday at the event (that means no site seeing, swimming or relaxing) but, the worst thing of all....I can't eat! At least not the kind of things I like to eat on vacation.
I AM really excited to get out on the mats for IBJJF Worlds this Friday and just as excited to watch my son Tyson compete! Along with Tyson and I, we have 2 others from Siege MMA/Lotus Club competing, good luck to Joe Gomez & Logan Jewel and ALL of my Lotus Club Teammates!
BTW...I'm not complaining! I love going to tournaments, I love when I have a big pile of clean gis, I love when Andrew shows me something that makes a big change in my game and I LOVE EATING junk when I'm done competing! I may even get a chance to throw on a cute dress to go out one night in CA (But, I will probably be too tired to change out of my sweats)