A few days ago, I posted a blog about the kids I teach private lessons to, here is the outcome of the Tournament they competed in yesterday.
Mahdi, fell short due to nerves but, showed a ton of heart, battling a clearly more experienced boy. He lost to a cross collar choke that he fought so hard we thought he was going to sleep! It was heart breaking seeing him cry after his match, he even let me give him a hug (he doesn't always like me when were practicing lol) He quickly recovered and came back to show his true talent in an exhibition match.
I also give private lessons to their cousins, Ahmad and Wesaal. Ahmad is 5 and gives me a run for my money during our lessons but, he is adorable and funny and we always have a good time! Ahmad also lost his 1st match (and looked a little terrified) but, also came back in his exhibition match, after loosing his tournament nerves, and sunk in a sweet RNC in the 1st 30 seconds!
Wesaal was the only girl in a group of little boys. She tore it up taking silver!
And last but not least....Lanna! Lanna was a super star yesterday. Taking Gold in her division while looking calm and confident (like she's done this before) I see BIG things for Lanna, she is a natural!
But, watching the kids was not the most rewarding part of the day....it was watching their family! Moms, Dads, Aunts, Uncles & cousins were all in attendance to watch the kids. This is a VERY reserved family, who barely makes a peep at the gym. Seeing them jump and cheer with excitement for their kids was awesome! They are a very nice family, where clearly their kids come 1st and I'm really happy to have gotten a chance to get to know them better and hopefully make a great lasting impression on their kids!
Ahmad: "Why do you have those tattoos?
Me: "Because I like them"
Ahmad: "well, I don't!"