In my almost 2 years of BJJ now, we went from having a consistant 1 female in class to now having about 5-6.
More and more females have become involved, competing and instructing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at their respective academies. With crime statistics growing and involving the female population, it makes you wonder if this has something to do with the amount female participants increasing. see http://www.onebluebelt.com/1/post/2012/06/why-women-should-train-bjj.html
While its great to see women get into Jiu JItsu because it gives them a sense of empowerment, confidence and a hard body ;) it's also nice to have some training partners a little closer to my size! (and typically they smell better then most of the men in my gym).
The atmosphere that weighs heavy in Jiu Jitsu academies is a family-like bond. I'm glad to have a few girls join the "Family" Stick with it ladies!! It just gets better!
Look for more females becoming black belts in the sport, competing in the sport and even owning their own academies!