The same applies to the younger generation.
I went on a job interview yesterday, I wore a long sleeve shirt covering all of my tattoos. On my way I stopped for gas, the girl (in her 30's) at QT who helped me was very nice and overly friendly.
This morning I stopped in and the same girl was working, I was wearing shorts and a tank top, she looked me up and down with an appalled look, took my money and just said "thanks" in a VERY un-friendly way!
I used to be bothered by this kind of reaction, now I find it kind of amusing. In-fact I think Andrew really enjoys going shopping with me just to watch the way people interact with me or just plain give me dirty looks. Being colorful makes me happy! And I guess that's really all that matters!
Urban Dictionary definition
Colorful: interesting or diverse. Not drab or boring.
Ie: "I've added a lot of COLORFUL words to my vocabulary using Urban Dictionary"
Ryan Seacrest sure was acting "COLORFUL on American Idol last night"