Over the weekend I had to go out to Phoenix, I dropped my boys off at the skate park while I went. As I was driving down Olive, I saw a man on the corner selling baby turtles. I thought they would enjoy this (and a nice, easy to care for pet). I picked out 2 cute little turtles, they came in a 3 X 6 clear box.
The boys WERE excited to get the turtles :) Seth and I decided we should go to Petsmart to get them a little bit bigger tank. When we arrived at Petsmart , turtles in hand, I asked a woman who worked there for some info on them....Turns out my $15 turtles needed a 20 gallon tank (because they would be 12 inches when full grown), a pump, heat lights, something floating that they could climb out of the water on, water purifier, treats and at some point "live" food: crickets and feeder fish....Raphael & Donatello are now worth $130.00. Ooooops :/
*I also found out they could live up to 25 years!! eeeek!