Unfortunately, as I get older, getting the time in isn't as hard as listening to my body when it's saying "PLEASE give me a break!!! I'm old, tired, sore and injured!!" Especially with a tournament coming up.
Training for tournaments has been one of my hardest areas to find a good balance. How much is too much? How little is too little?
Last year when I went to Worlds, I spent some time with a few of my competitors. MOST of them, under 22 years old, no children, no jobs, no injuries, live at home, and train twice a day MOST days. Trying to compete with this can be tough!
The average BJJ practitioner does not have these luxuries...I know for me, I wake up around 5am, go to work as a dental office manager (fast paced, mentally exhausting) get home from work just in time to teach kids bjj class, make dinner and throw down a quick bite to eat in the 15 minute break I get between classes, then jump in to adult class. I have 3 kids, a grandson, 2 needy dogs, laundry, housekeeping, a gym to run and for the past 2 years I also did online school for Child Psychology. Luckily my husband is my instructor, so I don't have the "making time for the spouse" issue (which is also very important)
These issues don't only hurt the "mature" competitor, some of my teammates who are younger also struggle with getting enough training in, they also have spouse's or kids or work 2 jobs, go to school or are dealing with an injury.
Finding a good balance and not over training when your not that young anymore can be tough, it's easy to over do it when getting ready to compete especially when think you're not really "that old!" (btw...I'm almost 47 but, let's keep that on the down low)
I have to really try and listen to my body and know when to keep fighting or take it easy!
Please share your thoughts on both issues: How do I know when to rest??? Squeezing in time to train???