I know when I pick someone to sponsor, I spend a lot of time going through FB pages, bio's and many e-mails sent to me. Believe me, I want to sponsor every adorable, tough, competitive little girl and every inspiring women but, I have to choose only a few (for financial reasons). So knowing the process of picking athletes to sponsor, it REALLY means a lot to me!
It's a great feeling seeing my products on girls all over! and it's a great feeling sending care packages to my sponsored girls. So having the same done for me is exciting :)
I also want to say thank you to Gi-Soap!! They have been awesome, promoting me and sending me some amazing products!! www.gisoap.com (if you order gi-soap use LESLIE15 @check out and you will get 15% of any $20 or more order)
Please take the time to check out their websites and Facebook pages
Kristensphoto http://kristensphoto.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KristensPhoto?hc_location=timeline
MY story on Kristensphoto: Sponsored Athlete Leslie Rials
If your doing Worlds this is a GREAT offer: